Episode 18
Sarah Wells
Olympian and Founder
The Believe Initiative
Welcome to the eighteenth episode of The SnaP, a SPort MAnagement (SPMA) Hub digital show, featuring voices from the sport industry.
Joining me this week is Canadian hurdler Sarah Wells. Sarah specializes in the 400 metre hurdles, and honestly, I think that is one of the hardest track events!
Sarah is an Olympian, Pan American Silver medalist and now founder of The Believe Initiative. She iconically wrote the word “I believe” on her hands during the Olympics, and in this episode, she told us about that moment. She says the journey getting to those Olympic Games had many hurdles (pun intended!), but it was so rewarding overcoming them.
Sarah also tells us about her start in running, mental challenges and what lessons she took away from her years on the track. She told us about competing on The Amazing Race Canada, and even gave us some insight into what goes into having a brand as an athlete.
Currently, Sarah is the founder of The Believe Initiative, a program that challenges students to answer the question, “What if you believed you could? I love how she is putting in so much work to help people believe in their dreams, whether they are sport-related or not. She knows how hard it can be sometimes and is now helping others get through it.
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