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Friday Night Lights

Posted By Hayley Michie

Friday Night Lights

Aired in 2006, Friday Night Lights is a classic sports TV show that anyone can enjoy.

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About Friday Night Lights

In the small town of Dillon, Texas, Friday night football is their pride and joy. Football brings the tight-knit community of Dillon together, yet shapes the struggles of those who are involved. Friday Night Lights, based on the novel by H.G. Bissinger, follows the lives of the Dillion Panthers and their head coach, Eric Taylor. Aired in 2006, Friday Night Lights is a classic sports TV show that anyone can enjoy.

Friday Night Lights's Relation To Sport Business

Through all the dark moments of the show, there is still light at the end of the tunnel. The iconic “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose” quote brings hope not only on the playing field but in the lives of the players as well. Although the premise of the show surrounds football, there are underlying themes that make Friday Night Lights the intriguing show it is. Friday Night Lights is grounded in reality, granting an inside look into the many potential struggles athletes and their families encounter throughout their sporting careers.

Friday Night Lights addresses a variety of contemporary issues including family values, racism, drugs, economic barriers, alcoholism and plenty more. In the first season alone, we witness star quarterback, Jason Street endure an injury resulting in a career-ending paralysis. His predecessor, Matt Saracen is not only motherless but lacks a father figure as he is fighting the war in Iraq. Despite these circumstances, he continues to pursue the quarterback position in place of Street while also assuming a caregiver role to his Grandmother. Running back, Tim Riggins faces alcohol struggles while his colleague Brian “Smash” Williams struggles with performance-enhancing drugs. Everyone has their own personal struggles; Friday Night Lights covers these through the All-American game of football.

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Friday Night Lights Industry Endorsements

Friday Night Lights has been suggested to us by sport industry professionals we talk to on a regular basis. See a list of those individuals below.

 Industry Professional  Organization  Position
Nekias Duncan, The Dunker Spot Writer and Podcaster
Joelle Wood Ontario Hockey League Manager of Communications
Stephen Yoo Toronto Blue Jays Pro Scout
Patrick Osborne Oklahoma State University Assistant Director of Athletics Communications
Blair McIntosh Special Olympics Canada Vice President of Sport

Why watch Friday Night Lights?

Friday Night Lights will forever remain as one of my favourite shows. When I think of sports movies/tv shows, Friday Night Lights immediately comes to mind. A classic, if you will! Each character is unique in their storyline which only results in the episodes getting better throughout each season. Each episode leaves you wanting more -- perfect to binge-watch if you haven't seen it! In true Friday Night Lights fashion, I will end this article with two words: Texas Forever!

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