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Documents & Navigation


Contributors must be in full compliance with our communication policy. Familiarization is vital.


Your monthly rewards come with hard work and dedication to SPMA’s vision. See the provisions here.


Avoid having your submissions marked “revise.” There are consequences for revisions.


Points are NOT credits. Understand what points are and your requirements by clicking here. 


Whether writing social media captions or handling a graphic task, SPMA has branding requirements.

Social Media Use

Your dedication to SPMA and personal brand is mirrored in your willingness to support your teammates and yourself.

Interview Process

All 7 steps of the ever-so-important interviewing process are documented here.

Using Trello

Trello is used in Step 1 & 2 for gathering and proceeding with interviews. Please refer to this video on how to use it.

Choosing Interview Questions

A guide to asking the right interview questions that make for superb content and easier writing.

The Latest Question Doc

Looking for the latest and greatest question formation document? Here it is. You are required to use this one.

Question Pool

A pool of possibilities when it comes to asking your interviewee the right questions.

Pre-Approved Interviewees

Want to easily add industry professionals suggested by previous interviewees? Here’s how it works.

Adding Approved Interviewees

Adding approved interviewees from Trello is done by submitting this form. Click here.

Custom Templates

Have an out of box reply from an industry profile and want to solve it before reaching out to us?

Is this interviewee a PSS?

Distinguishing the business side of sport from the player side is important. This will help you understand it.

Submitting a PSS

It’s the exact same process as a regular SPMA post, but must be done using this link. You may be asked to sign in. Use your SPMA user and password.

How do I post a job?

Just click here. You’ll be asked to login. Then go ahead and add a posting. Simple as that! Follow the steps.

Why Am I Posting Jobs?

We’re not just asking you to post jobs to fill our board up. There are many reasons why. Click here to see how posting jobs benefits you.

Finding Jobs To Post

It’s super important that you find jobs that fit our criteria. Please review this to ensure you are adding jobs correctly.

Questions & Answers

Inputting your questions and the interviewee’s answers require more than copy and paste.

Quote Selection

If you choose to identify a quote to start your industry profile off, here’s how to pick one.


Instructions on how to craft a search engine optimized title and description are found here.

Add Interviewee's Suggestions

Did your interviewee provide more than 3 suggestions for future interviews? Submit them here.

Writing Introductions

If you decide to write an introduction, you must follow the guidelines established in this document.

Crafting Post Titles

Here are instructions on what’s required for making an article title. This must be followed perfectly.

Final Thoughts

Requirements on documenting your final thoughts and end your profile with a bang are found here.

Selecting Categories

Categorizing your submission correctly is vital and helps navigators find it. Know where your piece shall go.

Compressing Images

Creating a ZIP

External Drive Upload

Answering Inquiries

Get asked a question on your personal or company profile? This should help you answers them.


The Facebook caption guidelines here are those that you’ll see when you are submitting a post.


The LinkedIn caption guidelines here are those that you’ll see when you are submitting a post.


The Instagram caption guidelines here are those that you’ll see when you are submitting a post.


The Twitter caption guidelines here are those that you’ll see when you are submitting a post.

What is a Shelf item?

Learn what a Shelf item is, including its purpose. Clicking this card will take you to the hub for all things Shelf.

Claiming Shelf Items

Now you can claim items suggested by previous interviewees and write about them!


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